Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well here it is, my debut post. The title is to remind me to spread my wings and that I can do anything I put my mind to as long as I am willing to do the work. This is a good day to start because it is my granddaughter's 6th birthday. She is one of my most favorite people in the world and she reminds me to spread my wings so that I can be a good example to her.

So today spread YOUR wings - you never know who might be watching!


Anonymous said...

Hooray Tianina! So happy to have you in the blogosphere. It is wing-spreading isn't it?
Big hugs and much love,

Angela Apple said...

Fancy meeting you here! Congrats on learning to fly.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!! It's quite fun her. So glad you've joined us.

Unknown said...

Hey Tammykins,
what's up w/this blogosphere? Fill me in, i guess i've been in a cultural vacuum again...
is this how i communicate with you now?? I like the wing-spreading idea.
I miss you. I have lots to tell you; call me sometime.

Anonymous said...

YAY TIANANA!!!! Welcome to the dark side...

Kat said...

Welcome Tianana. I hope you love blogging as well. Happy Birthday to little miss. Wow, 6, how quick time passes (:

giddy girlie said...

sorry, I had to laugh because I saw your blog listed on Kate's sidebar and I was like "I didn't know she blogged!" but I guess I am here just in time! ;-)

The one warning about the blogosphere: you just might make friends whom you wouldn't/couldn't have met anywhere else and who sometimes make you re-think how close/far you live from them. Just sayin'


Anonymous said...

LOL Giddy - I know you are speaking from experience...