Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Sometimes part of spreading your wings is dealing with the darkness. This is a struggle I have had most of my life. Most days are great, some not so great, and fewer, dark. Fortunately, because I have a spiritual foundation for my life, I spend a whole lot more time in the greatness that is my life than in the darkness. I am reminded that "without the rain, we would have no rainbows". Right now I am trying to dance in the rain rather than hiding from it. Sometimes I have to force myself to just get out in it.


Angela Apple said...

Hey Tammy-
The best part about tough times is the friends who get you through it.

I'm dancing with you, friend. Let's boogie!


Miss Bliss said...

Excellent thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Let's go dancing in the rain.

Kat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Dave said...

I know plenty of people who have flashlights including me. God Probable just changing the batteries the light will be back on soon.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think a girls' night out might be necessary to lift the gloom. Just sayin'...